

[iconfont type=»fa-cogs» size=»4x» color=»#4da5f5″]

Great Features

Nullam vulputate nibh at nisi, nec nunc iaculis. Nulla porttitor neque vitae ligula luctus imperdiet molestie at dui.

[iconfont type=»fa-eye» size=»4x» color=»#4da5f5″]

Retina Ready

Nullam vulputate nibh at nisi, nec nunc iaculis. Nulla porttitor neque vitae ligula luctus imperdiet molestie at dui.

[iconfont type=»fa-rocket» size=»4x» color=»#4da5f5″]

Well Documented

Nullam vulputate nibh at nisi, nec nunc iaculis. Nulla porttitor neque vitae ligula luctus imperdiet molestie at dui.


[spacer size=»big»]

[horizontalsection-video mp4=»http://balticdebuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/coffee.mp4″ webm=»http://balticdebuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/coffee.webm» ogv=»http://balticdebuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/coffee.ogv» width=»1280″ height=»720″ poster=»http://balticdebuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1100×1100.jpg» parallax=»true» overlay=»#000000″ overlayopacity=»5″ textcolor=»text-light» pdtop=»100″ pdbottom=»100″]

[sectiontitle title=»Parallax Video»]Xone supports Background videos with an optional parallax effect,
and you can also link to an external video.[/sectiontitle]

See the Video
